Monday, 15 March 2010


The other day I was walking, looking at this tree from a distance and it has always looked like there was something unnatural hanging from it. I have discovered that it is tons of shoes. Shoes hanging from a tree and I was staring at this tree, really trying to look at those shoes, because honestly, I want to see these shoes up close. I have yet to really confirm that they are in fact shoes. So I was walking and I was crossing the street to enter into a parking lot and I turned my head to look if there were cars coming. I guess I wasn't expecting to see any, because as I saw a car coming my way and I was so surprised I jumped. I guess I was still lost in thought. However, I have also been surprised my my cell phone vibrating in my pocket, unexpected sounds coming from my computer, and at times the toaster. Why am I so jumpy? I don't know. The other week when I was on spring break, my brother decided to surprise me and catch me off guard as I was coming out of the bathroom. He was lurking at the foot of my parents bed and as I came out he popped out and scared me. I was so surprised I jumped back, yelled and yes fell back and I was on the floor. I then proceeded to laugh, while he laughed at me. I have never been caught so off guard and I commend him for doing such a smashing job. It is actually one of my past times to jump out and scare people. I like catching them unawares as they come out of the bathroom or turn a corner. I was actually quite happy to have the experience myself.

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