Monday, 18 January 2010

Freshen Up

So Hannah and I have this shared animosity towards Kelsey's automatic air freshner. It's the kind that spurts out strong smelling scents every 30 minutes: Long enough for you to forget about it, short enough to maintain a constant presence. When Kelsey leaves on the weekends, Hannah switches it off. It often goes off during the night and the other day Hannah told me she flipped when she heard it. Just the other day I was in the bedroom standing right below it and talking to Kelsey. I was in an intense description of the movie Psycho. I had just gotten to the part where he's stabbing the girl and the freakin air freshner makes that noise and I tweaked out. I jumped about a mile. We then proceeded to laugh for about 2 minutes about how I was just scared out of my mind by an air freshner. I've always found it creepy and unnatural. Bananana believes that it needs to be destroyed.

1 comment:

Ellen Jilek said...

I know someone whose roommate has the same kind of air freshener, and they have very similar thoughts on it.

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