Tuesday, 12 January 2010

I've Lost It

So I come back to my apt. this evening and was going around business as usual, when Hannah calls me via Kelsey's phone. I figured maybe she did that because I wasn't picking up my phone, so she asks me: "Where's your phone?" I feel my pocket where it usually is and where I put it last and I come up with nothing. "That's a good question. I dunno." And then I remember on my way back from class I had gone to pick up my glove that I dropped and my iPod fell out of my pocket. My phone was also in said pocket, but I didn't care about that. I was too worried about dropping my more expensive, newer iPod. So some freshman picked it up and replied to a call from Hannah. And I'm supposed to go pick it up when he returns to campus. Hannah thought it would be hilarious to have Simon call my phone and demand where I was because I was supposed to meet him at 9 so he could cop some weed from me...and then of course later I have to go meet the kid to get my phone from him. Wonderful. However, that didn't work because he wouldn't answer my phone. Oh well....

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