Friday, 8 January 2010

We hope we don't die one day, but this was funny

So here's another interesting happening: I forgot to include this in the highlights of first semester, but this definitely is one of them. So Bananana, Simon, and I went on an adventure to the mall. It was a Saturday afternoon. I mean what was I thinking? Saturday+Mall+Afternoon= chaos and no parking. Wonderful. So of course everything is crowded. People are diving at every opportunity for a parking spot and we are searching like vultures for the first piece of dead carcass we can find. We go in this one smaller area of parking hoping--just hoping to find something, but we are fresh out of luck. So Bananana with her sharp turns, fast acceleration, and don't-mess-with-me attitude comes pulling around this corner out of the smallish parking area. She's going pretty fast and she clears the curb and the car in the next lane, but it was looking pretty close from the passenger side view, enough to make me think she might hit the curb. Well the lady sitting in the car in the left lane didn't think so. She thought she was going to die. She like lifted both of her arms up over her head like she thought we just dropped a bomb. We all just died laughing and Hannah goes, "See now you can never complain about my driving again because that was f**kin hilarious." I mean I knew it was close but that reaction, that was priceless. 

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