Thursday, 7 January 2010

Highlights of First Semester

So to give you an idea of our lives and the craziness that ensues on a regular basis: 
Bananana and I speak in British accents on a fairly regular basis and often in public. We go on late night trips to Meijer to get food and we stop and have conversations in the international food isle about food we should try. We enjoy watching the people stare and wonder to ourselves if they buy it, and if not how crazy they think we are. Otherwise, we have come to the conclusion that speaking in a British accent makes things 5X more interesting. 
I got Simon (Bananana's BF) to ask a sunglass salesman which sunglasses would make him look naughty in a British accent. The best part was the salesman totally took him seriously. I mean he didn't really have much of a choice, but he did pick out a pair of sunglasses. They were the ugliest things I've ever seen. Huge, gaudy, not naughty...more like the pinnacle of frumpy. 
There's this snowman our roommate Kelsey decided to put up in our living room. I came back to the apartment one day and saw it just looking at me with its beady little eyes. More as a joke than anything else I turned it around so its face was facing the corner of the couch, like it was in detention. I just didn't want it looking at me. Kelsey doesn't say anything to me and flips it back. I do that several more times to see when she will say something to me. She continues each time to turn it back and eventually brings it into the bedroom. Hannah and I decided to bet on when she would finally say something. She only ever asked Bananana why I kept turning it around. She has yet to say a thing to me....this is the kind of communication we deal with. I think she is scared of me. 
We lost Bananana's car one time...then found it in the parking lot. We actually walked across the street to where it's usually parked and then realized it wasn't there. That almost happened twice. 
I am physically violent. Bananana is verbally violent. She swears like a sailor. 
We were driving back from Columbus and I like to stare at people we pass at 80 miles per hour, but at one point we got in this stop and go traffic and I'm continuing to look at the people in their cars. I notice this guy in his car by himself...a couple minutes later we come even with his car again and up pops this girl from the floor of the car....I'm thinking oh that's interesting...and Bananana is that what I think it is?? Yes that guy just got a blow job. I mean they are both looking pretty darn happy. Me in my naive self says..."Maybe she was just looking for something on the floor???"
"No, nu uh." Hannah insists I can't deny it. That man just got a blow job in stop and go traffic and we just witnessed it. 
MORE Craziness to come....

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