Thursday, 7 January 2010


So a lot of times I wonder what it would be like to not have a hand or arm or fingers. I think about being blind or deaf and what that would be like. I wish I could be blind or deaf for a week, just a week, so I could experience it. Sometimes I go around with my eyes closed, feeling my way through the house, trying to figure out where things are. I used to ride the public bus home from school and I would close my eyes and feel the turns, each and every one. Eventually, I would open my eyes and see if the picture in my head matched with where we really were. So many times I had it right—I knew that route like the back of my hand.
Does anyone else think the different sounds made from each number on the phone are so blind people can associate the specific sound with the number? I always thought that—is that true? I mean the numbers are always in the same order so you could figure it out that way, but the sound could help too…
I tried to get dressed without fingers one morning, just to see what that would be like. It’s pretty near impossible. You can’t do zippers or buttons—well you might be able to get the button if you try really really hard. It makes putting on a pair of jeans basically impossible. You would have to buy clothes with elastic bands or something. Anyway try it out.
Oh so this is funny… we were in a nursing class and talking about people with disabilities and one day we got to try out using wheelchairs. We were supposed to go from the parking lot to the cafeteria. It was a good distance I would say. Well I was trying to go from the curb to the street…I mean you have no idea how hard it is to find flat passageways from sidewalk to street. It makes it so people in wheelchairs have to travel farther distances all the time (a.k.a. pain in the a**). So here I am in my wheelchair going along but the way I go down the small concrete ramp and onto the street I hit this sewer drain and yeah I tipped my wheelchair. Well, hahaha I mean if I were really crippled out in the Cohen parking lot, I would be like stranded you know? I tell you this embarrassing story because 1. This blog is about embarrassing funny stories and 2. I realized that wheelchairs are like the hardest thing ever to use. They don’t go straight exactly like you want them to and this world is definitely not made for wheelchairs. Definitely not. 

1 comment:

Ricky said...

hahahaha, i like it

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